U.V. Chromatography Inspection Cabinet PT-32,34,40

Model Cat : PT-32,34,40

PT-32 U.V. CHROMATOGRAPHY INSPECTION CABINET for viewing & detecting prepared substance on T.L.C plates and a number of other laboratory & investigation work. This cabinet is fitted with one long wave U.V. tube & one fluorescence tube for visible light. An eye protective glass window is also provided on the top front for viewing the samples.
Price : 695-00 each
PT-34 U.V. CHROMATOGRAPHY INSPECTION CABINET This cabinet is fitted with two U.V. tubes of different wave lengths & a fluorescence tube for visible light. An eye protective glass window is also Provide on the top front for viewing the samples.
Price : 7450-00 each
PT-40 ULTRA VOILET FLUORESCENCE VIEWING CABINET this compact mechanism is designed for T.L.C. plates up to 250x300mm. This is also suitable for U.V. (254mm) or long U.V.(365mm) of column or paper chromatograms, bacterial or fungal cultures, plant specimen, documents or currency for geniuneness or otherwise. ORES & minerals & a number of other laboratory & investigative work.

CONSTRUCTION : This cabinet is provided with 1 short wave U.V. tube enveloped with precision optical filter, which emits mostly short wave U.V. of mercury line 254 nm with high efficiency & low pressure mercury discharge tube with black woods glass envelop & a special phosphor coating inside the envelop to produce pre-dominantly long U.v. Output 365 nm with high effciency. A fluorescence tube is provided for visible light. An eye protective glass window is provided on the top front for viewing the samples & inside chamber.
Price : 14500-00 each



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