Bar Gel Polyacrylamide Electrophoresis Apparatus Rectangular PT-56

Model Cat : PT-56

PT-56 Bar Gel Polyacrylamide Electrophoresis Apparatus Rectangular It is a standard mechanism meant for running 12 gel tubes of 7.5 cm or 14 cm. long. Upper buffer reservoir & lower buffer & Abode platinum electrode assembly central compartment helps to create space to accommodate 14 cm. long glass tubes.
The elementary unit consist of 3 main detachable compartments, detachable platinum electrode assembly cathode & anode (1 Each), glass tubes 7.5 cm. (24 Nos,.), 14 cm. (24 Nos.), silicon rubber grommets (12 Nos.) rubber Bungs (12 Nos.), Polythene Clousers (24 Nos.), Gel casting tubes stand (1 No.), Syringe 5 Ml. with needle (1No.) Power cord (1 No.)

Polyacrlamide Vertical Gel Electrophoresis is very essential equipment to study proteins, enzymes & nucleodis. These gels are made as slabs & electrophoresis is accomplished vertically.
This vertical slab Gel mechanism has cathode chamber at top & anode chamber at bottom.Polyacrylamide gel moulded in a glass sandwich & sample cells are made on top by using suitable well forming combs. The cathode chamber is notched so as to create buffer contact with the gel on top while the bottom of the gel is in contact with the anode reservoir.
Price : 10950-00 each



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